CPU frequency scaling driver
CPU 频率缩放使操作系统可以向上或向下缩放 CPU 频率,以节省电量。可以根据系统负载,响应 ACPI 事件自动缩放 CPU 频率,也可以通过用户空间程序手动缩放 CPU 频率
CPU 频率缩放在 Linux 内核中实现,基础架构称为 cpufreq。从内核 3.4 开始,必需的模块会自动加载,并且默认情况下会启用推荐的按需调控器。但是,为您的桌面环境提供的用户空间工具(如 cpupower,acpid,笔记本电脑模式工具或 GUI 工具)仍可用于高级配置。
CPU 动态节能技术用于降低服务器功耗,通过选择系统空闲状态不同的电源管理策 略,可以实现不同程度降低服务器功耗,更低的功耗策略意味着 CPU 唤醒更慢对性能 影响更大。对于对时延和性能要求高的应用,建议关闭 CPU 的动态调节功能,禁止 CPU 休眠,并把 CPU 频率固定到最高。通常建议在服务器 BIOS 中修改电源管理为 Performance,如果发现 CPU 模式为 conservative 或者 powersave,可以使用 cpupower 设置 CPU Performance 模式,效果也是相当显著的。
cpufreq 的五种模式
cpufreq 是一个动态调整 cpu 频率的模块,系统启动时生成一个文件夹 /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu0/cpufreq/
,里面有几个文件,其中 scaling_min_freq 代表最低频率,scaling_max_freq 代表最高频率,scalin_governor 代表 cpu 频率调整模式,用它来控制 CPU 频率
cd /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu0/cpufreq/
# 查看当前的调节器
cat /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu0/cpufreq/scaling_governor
# 查看频率信息
cpupower frequency-info
analyzing CPU 0:
driver: acpi-cpufreq
CPUs which run at the same hardware frequency: 0
CPUs which need to have their frequency coordinated by software: 0
maximum transition latency: 10.0 us
hardware limits: 800 MHz - 2.10 GHz
available frequency steps: 2.10 GHz, 2.10 GHz, 2.00 GHz, 1.90 GHz, 1.80 GHz, 1.70 GHz, 1.60 GHz, 1.50 GHz, 1.40 GHz, 1.30 GHz, 1.20 GHz, 1.10 GHz, 1000 MHz, 900 MHz, 800 MHz
available cpufreq governors: conservative userspace powersave ondemand performance
current policy: frequency should be within 800 MHz and 2.10 GHz.
The governor "performance" may decide which speed to use
within this range.
current CPU frequency: Unable to call hardware
current CPU frequency: 2.10 GHz (asserted by call to kernel)
boost state support:
Supported: yes
Active: yes
- performance: 顾名思义只注重效率,将 CPU 频率固定工作在其支持的最高运行频率上,而不动态调节。
- Userspace: 最早的 cpufreq 子系统通过 userspace governor 为用户提供了这种灵活性。系统将变频策略的决策权交给了用户态应用程序,并提供了相应的接口供用户态应用程序调节 CPU 运行频率使用。也就是长期以来都在用的那个模式。可以通过手动编辑配置文件进行配置
- powersave: 将 CPU 频率设置为最低的所谓 “省电” 模式,CPU 会固定工作在其支持的最低运行频率上。因此这两种 governors 都属于静态 governor,即在使用它们时 CPU 的运行频率不会根据系统运行时负载的变化动态作出调整。这两种 governors 对应的是两种极端的应用场景,使用 performance governor 是对系统高性能的最大追求,而使用 powersave governor 则是对系统低功耗的最大追求。
- ondemand: 按需快速动态调整 CPU 频率, 一有 cpu 计算量的任务,就会立即达到最大频率运行,等执行完毕就立即回到最低频率;ondemand:userspace 是内核态的检测,用户态调整,效率低。而 ondemand 正是人们长期以来希望看到的一个完全在内核态下工作并且能够以更加细粒度的时间间隔对系统负载情况进行采样分析的 governor。 在 ondemand governor 监测到系统负载超过 up_threshold 所设定的百分比时,说明用户当前需要 CPU 提供更强大的处理能力,因此 ondemand governor 会将 CPU 设置在最高频率上运行。但是当 ondemand governor 监测到系统负载下降,可以降低 CPU 的运行频率时,到底应该降低到哪个频率呢? ondemand governor 的最初实现是在可选的频率范围内调低至下一个可用频率,例如 CPU 支持三个可选频率,分别为 1.67GHz、1.33GHz 和 1GHz ,如果 CPU 运行在 1.67GHz 时 ondemand governor 发现可以降低运行频率,那么 1.33GHz 将被选作降频的目标频率。
- conservative: 与 ondemand 不同,平滑地调整 CPU 频率,频率的升降是渐变式的,会自动在频率上下限调整,和 ondemand 的区别在于它会按需分配频率,而不是一味追求最高频率;
cpupower 设置 performance
# CentOS 安装 kernel-tools
yum install kernel-tools
# Ubuntu 安装 CPU 模式无图形化切换器
apt install cpufrequtils
# cpupower设置performance
cpupower frequency-set -g performance
# 查看当前的调节器
cat /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu0/cpufreq/scaling_governor
Driver | Description |
acpi_cpufreq | CPUFreq driver which utilizes the ACPI Processor Performance States. This driver also supports the Intel Enhanced SpeedStep (previously supported by the deprecated speedstep_centrino module). For AMD Ryzen it only provides 3 frequency states. |
amd_pstate | This driver has three modes corresponding to different degrees of autonomy from the CPU hardware: active, passive, and guided. The amd_pstate CPU power scaling driver is used automatically in "active mode" on supported CPUs (Zen 2 and newer) since kernel version 6.5. See #amd_pstate for details. |
amd_pstate_epp | This driver implements a scaling driver selected by amd_pstate=active with an internal governor for AMD Ryzen (some Zen 2 and newer) processors. |
cppc_cpufreq | CPUFreq driver based on ACPI CPPC system (see #Collaborative processor performance control). Common default on AArch64 systems. Works on modern x86 too, but the intel_pstate and amd_pstate drivers are better. |
intel_cpufreq | Starting with kernel 5.7, the intel_pstate scaling driver selects "passive mode" aka intel_cpufreq for CPUs that do not support hardware-managed P-states (HWP), i.e. Intel Core i 5th generation or older. This "passive" driver acts similar to the ACPI driver on Intel CPUs, except that it does not have the 16-pstate limit of ACPI. |
intel_pstate | This driver implements a scaling driver with an internal governor for Intel Core (Sandy Bridge and newer) processors. It is used automatically for these processors instead of the other drivers below. This driver takes priority over other drivers and is built-in as opposed to being a module. intel_pstate may run in "passive mode" via the intel_cpufreq driver for older CPUs. If you encounter a problem while using this driver, add intel_pstate=disable to your kernel line in order to revert to using the acpi_cpufreq driver. |
p4_clockmod | CPUFreq driver for Intel Pentium 4/Xeon/Celeron processors which lowers the CPU temperature by skipping clocks. (You probably want to use speedstep_lib instead.) |
pcc_cpufreq | This driver supports Processor Clocking Control interface by Hewlett-Packard and Microsoft Corporation which is useful on some ProLiant servers. |
powernow_k8 | CPUFreq driver for K8/K10 Athlon 64/Opteron/Phenom processors. Since Linux 3.7, 'acpi_cpufreq' will automatically be used for more modern AMD CPUs. |
speedstep_lib | CPUFreq driver for Intel SpeedStep-enabled processors (mostly Atoms and older Pentiums) |
查看当前的 driver
子系统负责在运行时对CPU频率和电压的动态调整,以达到性能和功耗的平衡,它也叫DVFS(Dynamic Voltage Frequency Scaling)
原理:CMOS 电路中功耗与电压的平方成正比,与频率也成正比。此外,频率越高,性能也越强,相应的能耗就增大(需要 Tradeoff)cpufreq framework
类似于cpuidle framework
,提供机制(cpufreq driver
)与策略(cpufreq governor
),此外提供了cpufreq core