Beegfs ctl
beegfs-ctl -h
BeeGFS Command-Line Control Tool (
Version: 7.3.2
$ beegfs-ctl --<modename> --help
$ beegfs-ctl --<modename> [mode_arguments] [client_arguments]
--listnodes => List registered clients and servers.
--listtargets => List metadata and storage targets.
--removenode (*) => Remove (unregister) a node.
--removetarget (*) => Remove (unregister) a storage target.
--getentryinfo => Show file system entry details.
--setpattern (*) => Set a new striping configuration.
--mirrormd (*) => Enable metadata mirroring.
--find => Find files located on certain servers.
--refreshentryinfo => Refresh file system entry metadata.
--createfile (*) => Create a new file.
--createdir (*) => Create a new directory.
--migrate => Migrate files to other storage servers.
--disposeunused (*) => Purge remains of unlinked files.
--serverstats => Show server IO statistics.
--clientstats => Show client IO statistics.
--userstats => Show user IO statistics.
--storagebench (*) => Run a storage targets benchmark.
--getquota => Show quota information for users or groups.
--setquota (*) => Sets the quota limits for users or groups.
--listmirrorgroups => List mirror buddy groups.
--addmirrorgroup (*) => Add a mirror buddy group.
--startresync (*) => Start resync of a storage target or metadata node.
--resyncstats => Get statistics on a resync.
--setstate (*) => Manually set the consistency state of a target or
metadata node.
--liststoragepools => List storage pools.
--addstoragepool (*) => Add a storage pool.
--removestoragepool (*) => Remove a storage pool.
--modifystoragepool (*) => Modify a storage pool.
*) Marked modes require root privileges.
This is the BeeGFS command-line control tool.
Choose a control mode from the list above and use the parameter "--help" to
show arguments and usage examples for that particular mode.
Example: Show help for mode "--listnodes"
$ beegfs-ctl --listnodes --help
查看集群服务详细信息:beegfs-ctl --listnodes --nodetype={node_type} --details
为 beegfs 集群节点类型,可选:mgmt、meta、storage、client
查看集群服务状态:beegfs-ctl --listtargets --nodetype={node_type} --state
为 beegfs 集群节点类型,可选 meta、storage
删除集群角色:beegfs-ctl --removenode --nodetype={node_type} {node_id}
注:{node_id} 可通过 beegfs-net 查看 ID 值。删除集群角色不会自动迁移对应数据到其他节点,需谨慎使用!!
查看集群目录属性信息:beegfs-ctl --getentryinfo {mount_path}
注:{mount-path} 为 beegfs 集群挂载路径,当前有 RAID0 和 Buddy Mirror 两种模式