


  • https://github.com/zalando/postgres-operator Start 2.8k

  • https://github.com/CrunchyData/postgres-operator Start 3k

  • https://github.com/percona/percona-postgresql-operator Star 119

  • https://github.com/radondb/radondb-postgresql-operator Star 43

参考文档:https://blog.51cto.com/coderaction/5139303 (更新时间 2022-03-23)



postgres-operator 官方文档:https://postgres-operator.readthedocs.io/en/latest/

There is a browser-friendly version of this documentation at postgres-operator.readthedocs.io

postgres 官方文档:https://www.postgresql.org/docs/

wal 官方文档:https://www.postgresql.org/docs/13/wal-intro.html

spilo 官方文档:https://github.com/zalando/spilo

术语、简写 含义
pg PostgreSQL 的缩写
WAL Write-Ahead Logging,预写式日志,常用于数据恢复和数据副本,参考文档


Postgres Operator 通过 Patroni 能够简单地在 Kubernetes(K8s) 上运行高可用的 PostgreSQL 集群。仅通过 Postgres 清单文件(CRD)对其进行配置,以简化与自动CI / CD管道的集成,无需直接访问Kubernetes API,从而很简单地集成进自动化 CI/CD 流水线。

Spilo is currently evolving: Its creators are working on a Postgres operator that would make it simpler to deploy scalable Postgres clusters in a Kubernetes environment, and also do maintenance tasks. Spilo would serve as an essential building block for this. There is already a Helm chart that relies on Spilo and Patroni to provision a five-node PostgreSQL HA cluster in a Kubernetes+Google Compute Engine environment. (The Helm chart deploys Spilo Docker images, not just "bare" Patroni.)

Here is a diagram, that summarizes what would be created by the operator, when a new Postgres cluster CRD is submitted:

下图概述了当提交一个新的 Postgres CRD时,operator 将创建什么。